Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just in Time

In 1 Timothy, chapter 2, we hear that Jesus came to our need just in time. In other words, there was no better time for him to have done his work. What a concept!

Some people might call this perfect timing. Almost every day, something seems to happen to me just in time. Yet, I still get impatient. I want to control the timing. I just want God to be the conduit. How often I must mess up some really good blessings, just so I can control timing.

On a different note, I know I will meet someone this week that will need me to be there just in time. God can use me to be there. If I am all wrapped up in controlling my time, I may miss these moments
as well.

Control rarely happens just in time to do anything. That is because my perspective is too small. I can't always get out of my own world to clearly see yours.

Raymond C. Province, M.A.
Celtic Ozark Solutions